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Acquiring the knowledge in order to deploy, manage and develop the next generation NFV Core Networks for 5G services. The Network Function Virtualization is analyzed, because it is one of the required points necessary to build a 5G Stand Alone architecture with network slicing. The new 5G HTTP/2 Core Network architecture and interfaces are discussed with orchestrator solutions, considering also advanced techniques such as Layer 2 Tunneling for virtual Core scaling and MEC automation.
Mobile Core Network basic understanding.
Technical personnel of new Core Networks involved in deploying, operation tasks and management for carrying the new 5G services.
5G Core Network Virtualization
The ETSI NFV Model
Virtualization Inf. Manager (VIM)
Virtual Network Fuction
5G Core Network for eMBB, mMTC and URLLC
5G Orchestration
SDN Solutions for 5G Scalable Core Network and MEC
Massive IoT management
REST API Protocol evolution for 5G Core Network
NSA vs Standalone Core
The new 5G Core 3GPP TR 38.801
New Xn, NG and SBA interfaces
5G Ref. Architecture TR 23.799