K Labs mette a tua disposizione i propri Trainers Certificati, i Laboratori Didattici, i Simulatori di Esame, il proprio Test Center e un Tutor a te dedicato per la preparazione all'esame.
Grazie al nostro supporto la percentuale di candidati che ottengono la certificazione al primo tentativo è prossima al 100%.
3 days
Provide knowledge about IoT smart applications over Private Cloud, OTT Cloud environment and Edge Computing. The course analyzes the IoT system architectures along with connectivity. The topics include devices and IoT OTT commercial solutions already available such as AWS, MS Azure, IBM Watson, Google Cloud IoT Cisco Cloud Connect, Core and Edge. The course discusses different design strategy as Edge or Cloud Computing to perform Data Acquisition and Analytics.
Intermediate IoT knowledge including IoT Sensors and Devices features, network architecture, protocols and basic services.
IT Managers, Developers, End Users and Technical Staff involved in designing and deploy next-generation IoT services over the Cloud.
IoT Deployment models
Cloud IoT Platforms
Edge Computing
Machine Learning
Real Time Prediction
Smart Applications
IoT Components
Sensors Types, Power consumption, Interoperability
IoT Gateways
Edge Devices
IoT Device Management
Cloud IoT Core
Machine Learning Engine
Database and Big Data Analysis
IoT Network
IoT OTT Analysis