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Thanks to our support, the percentage of candidates who obtain the certification at the first attempt is very close to 100%.
€2440.00 (Pre-Order)
5 days
This five-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to work with the Juniper Contrail software-defined networking (SDN) solution. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of how to use the Contrail Command user interface, Contrail Networking, Contrail’s fabric management and administration features, and Contrail Security, as well as AppFormix analytics features. Students will also learn to use APIs and the CLI to perform the Contrail configuration tasks. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience with the features of Contrail and AppFormix.
Basic TCP/IP skills
General understanding of data center virtualization
Basic understanding of the Junos operating system
Completion of the Junos Cloud Fundamentals (JCF) course prior to attending this class
Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming and Python scripting is recommended
This course benefits individuals responsible for working with software-defined networking solutions in data center, service provider, and enterprise network environments.
SDN, NFV, and Contrail
Review of SDN and NFV
Contrail Solution Overview
OpenStack Fundamentals
OpenStack Overview
OpenStack Projects
Exploring OpenStack Installation and Using CLI
Lab 1: Exploring OpenStack with the CLI
OpenStack Configuration
OpenStack Interface Options
Using OpenStack Heat Templates
OpenStack Configuration
Lab 2: Configuring OpenStack
Contrail Overview
Contrail Use Cases
Contrail Solution Overview
Contrail Related Solutions
Contrail Architecture Fundamentals
Contrail Architecture Overview
Contrail Management and Analytics
Contrail Control Plane
Contrail Data Plane
Basic Contrail Troubleshooting
Lab 3: Exploring and Troubleshooting the Contrail vRouter and SDN Controller
Contrail Configuration Basics
Contrail Configuration Methods
vRouter Services
Configuring Virtual Networks
Configuring Network Policies and Security Groups
Contrail API Python Library
Lab 4: Virtual Networks and Policies
Interacting with External Networks
Connecting Virtual and Physical Networks
Floating IPs
Using Device Manager
Configuring Simple Virtual Gateway
Underlay Connectivity without Gateway
Lab 5: Creating Floating IPs and Gateways
Contrail Network Services
Contrail and Container Networking
BGP as a Service
Graceful Restart Capabilities
Implementing CoS
Load Balancing as a Service Overview
vRouter Support for DPDK and SR-IOV
Contrail Global Controller Overview
Lab 6: Using Docker Containers with Contrail
Contrail Service Chains
Service Chaining Overview
In-Network Service Chain and Configuration
Transparent Service Chain and Configuration
Configuring Source NAT
Automating Service Chaining
Lab 7: Creating Contrail Service Chains
Advanced Service Chaining
Advanced Operation
Service Instance Health Checks
Troubleshooting Service Chains
Service Chain with Docker Containers
Physical Network Function Integration
NFV for ISP Case Study
Lab 8: Advanced Service Chain Operation and Troubleshooting
Contrail Monitoring and Analytics
Analytics Overview
Monitor > Infrastructure Workspace
Monitor > Networking Workspace
Flow Queries, Logs, and Statistics
Configuring Contrail Analytics
Analytics API
Lab 9: Using Contrail Analytics
Contrail Security
The Need for Contrail Security
Contrail Security Configuration
Monitoring and Visualization
Analyzing Network State and Traffic Flows
Contrail Alarms
Analyzing Live Traffic
Underlay Overlay Mapping
Lab 10: Analyzing Traffic Flows with Contrail
K Labs S.R.L.
Tel. +39 059 8212 29 | info@klabs.it
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