K Labs goes along with you providing you with its Certified Trainers, Training Laboratories, Exam Simulators, the Test Center and a dedicated Tutor that helps you to prepare for the exam.
Thanks to our support, the percentage of candidates who obtain the certification at the first attempt is very close to 100%.
€1100.00 (Pre-Order)
On completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
Master the principles of big data components
Master the usage of big data components
Have basic knowledge of Linux
With IT project experience
Have Hadoop basics
Big data practitioners
Big data related industry practitioners
1.MapReduce - Distributed Off-line Batch Processing and Yarn - Resource Negotiator
2.HBase - Distributed NoSQL Database
3.HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System
4.Streaming - Distributed Stream Computing Engine
5.Kafka - Distributed Message Subscription System
6.Zookeeper - Cluster Distributed Coordination Service
7.Big Data Industry and Technological Trends
8.FusionInsight HD Solution Overview
9.Flume - Massive Logs Aggregation
10.Hive - Distributed Data Warehouse
11.Spark2x - In-memory Distributed Computing Engine
12.Loader - Data Transformation
13.Flink – Stream Processing and Batch Processing Platform
K Labs S.R.L.
Tel. +39 059 8212 29 | info@klabs.it
VAT IT02034520367