K Labs mette a tua disposizione i propri Trainers Certificati, i Laboratori Didattici, i Simulatori di Esame, il proprio Test Center e un Tutor a te dedicato per la preparazione all'esame.
Grazie al nostro supporto la percentuale di candidati che ottengono la certificazione al primo tentativo è prossima al 100%.
3 days
This course provides advanced skills about radio propagation and antennas for mobile communication, it describes different technologies, qualification and testing techniques. The antennas testing equipment is fully analyzed, with special focus on qualification procedures within live networks. The course deliver a valuable support in the antennas selection, focusing on last generation adaptation criteria, useful for project optimization of the node.
Radio propagation and antennas basic skills.
This course is intended for network designers and technicians involved in the choice, optimization and maintenance of mobile network antennas.
Transmission lines
Coupling loss
Radio propagation
Propagation models and simulators
Advanced Diversity techniques (STC, MIMO, Massive-MIMO)
Indoor and outdoor antennas
Mobile device antennas
Mobile access network antennas
Qualification techniques (IP3, EVM, …)
Fault Inspection
VSWR, DTF measurements
Testing equipment
Spectrum analyzer
Interference check
Intermodulation measurements