K Labs mette a tua disposizione i propri Trainers Certificati, i Laboratori Didattici, i Simulatori di Esame, il proprio Test Center e un Tutor a te dedicato per la preparazione all'esame.
Grazie al nostro supporto la percentuale di candidati che ottengono la certificazione al primo tentativo è prossima al 100%.
€0.00 (Pre-Order)
DURATION 4 days LEVEL Basic OBJECTIVES This four-day course provides students with the foundational knowledge required to work with the Junos operating system and to configure Junos devices. The course provides a brief overview of the Junos device families and discusses the key architectural components of the software. Key topics include user interface options with a heavy focus on the command-line interface (CLI), configuration tasks typically associated with the initial setup of devices, interface configuration basics with configuration examples, secondary system configuration, and the basics of operational monitoring and maintenance of Junos devices. The course then delves into foundational routing knowledge and configuration examples including general routing concepts, routing policy, and firewall filters. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring basic device operations. PREREQUISITES Students should have basic networking knowledge and an understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP protocol suite. WHO SHOULD ATTEND This course benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring devices running the Junos OS.