K Labs mette a tua disposizione i propri Trainers Certificati, i Laboratori Didattici, i Simulatori di Esame, il proprio Test Center e un Tutor a te dedicato per la preparazione all'esame.
Grazie al nostro supporto la percentuale di candidati che ottengono la certificazione al primo tentativo è prossima al 100%.
5 days
The Kubernetes Fundamentals course will teach you how to use the container management platform used by companies like Google to manage their application infrastructure. You will learn how to install and configure a production-grade Kubernetes cluster, from network configuration to upgrades to making deployments available via services. The course also distills key principles, such as pods, deployments, replicasets, and services, and will give you enough information so that you can start using Kubernetes on your own.
This course is ideal for those wishing to manage a containerized application infrastructure. This includes existing IT administrators, as well as those looking to start a cloud career.
1. Course Introduction
2. Basics of Kubernetes
3. Installation and Configuration
4. Kubernetes Architecture
5. APIs and Access
6. API Objects
7. Managing State with Deployments
8. Helm
9. Volumes and Data
10. Services
11. Ingress
12. Scheduling
13. Logging and Troubleshooting
14. Custom Resource Definitions
15. Security
16. High Availability
17. Exam Domain Review