K Labs mette a tua disposizione i propri Trainers Certificati, i Laboratori Didattici, i Simulatori di Esame, il proprio Test Center e un Tutor a te dedicato per la preparazione all'esame.
Grazie al nostro supporto la percentuale di candidati che ottengono la certificazione al primo tentativo è prossima al 100%.
Duration: 4 days
Level: Advanced
This course is intended to provide a deep knowledge about all the protocols that allow a Best Effort IP network to become closer to an engineered Circuit Switched Network, introducing the MPLS Protocol along with its flavours. The difference between static and dynamic tunnels will be described, along with the major Label Distribution Protocols and Traffic Engineering parameters and features. A detailed explanation about VPN services, Layer 3 BGP VPN, Layer 2 VPWS, Layer 2 VPLS and EVPN will be provided.